NoSQL and Huge Data Stores

אירוע Big Data, שני, 5 במרץ 2012, 10:35

The data revolution in the past decade created the need for applications to manage and retrieve huge capacities of data, leading to new technologies which trade some of the traditional SQL features with other x-abilities such as better scalability and enhanced performance for handling big capacities of data.

The solutions and technologies in this domain, such as Cassandra, HBase, Google BigTable, MemCached, CouchDB and others, share some common similar ideas but differ in significant aspects, such as concurrency management, data consistency, schema restrictions and more.

In this talk we will understand the basic idea of the NoSQL solutions in general, review the different groups of solutions and understand the context of NoSQL in cloud environment and in modern horizontal scale applications.

Amir Kirsh

Amir Kirsh

Chief Programming Officer


Amir Kirsh is the Chief Programmer of Comverse and a lecturer in the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo.

Amir is an expert in advanced programming technologies, open source solutions and modern development methodologies.

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